
Physiotherapy Services in Parramatta

We live in a busy society, and with this come expectations to perform, whether it be at work, school or even in our hectic family routines. And from time to time, our bodies bear the brunt of both emotional and physical stresses and we usually only ever contact a Physiotherapist if we are experiencing pain that is either associated with aching muscles or other injuries that may have resulted from sport.

Whether you have back pain or neck pain, it is fair to say that this pain would be effecting your ability to function properly or let-alone work.

Needless-to-say, engaging a Physiotherapist may be worthwhile, as to help diagnose the cause of the pain, and to also help implement a plan to help reduce the pain associated with the injury.

The Parramatta catchment area is one of the largest cities in Australia, and Spinal & Sports Care have been helping people in Parramatta with their pain management and muscle rehabilitation since 1977. They’re well-established treatment centre have qualified Physiotherapists in Parramatta, who provide effective evidence based treatment options for your injuries.

As there are a number, of Physio’s in Parramatta, you need to be confident that the Physiotherapist you select, can provide you the care you desire. You will also need to investigate how can a Physiotherapist help you. By doing so you will be able to learn more about the Physiotherapy services they provide, and the types of conditions Physiotherapists treat. This is very important in trying to not only understand more about the types of Physiotherapy treatment services available, but also in helping you decide if you need to see another health practitioner like a Chiropractor or the like. Ultimately the only way you will know for sure if a Physiotherapist can help you with our pain, is to contact the friendly team at Spinal & Sports Care to ask any questions you may have about your injury.

Spinal & Sports Care are highly qualified and have a range of health practitioners, which include Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Remedial Massage Therapists, Sports Massage Therapists, Dietitians & Exercise and Rehabilitation clinicians.

The highly qualified and experienced team have forged a tremendous reputation in the Parramatta area for more than 40 years, helping people recover from their injuries. They not only have an experienced and reputable team, they also treat the following conditions:

The team of Physiotherapists in Parramatta also provide their patients, the latest evidence based services, some of which include:


Physiotherapy treatments in Parramatta may not only help diagnose your injury, they also provide treatment options which are non-invasive and may provide reductions in your pain. Spinal & Sports Care provide Digital X-Rays and are fully equipped to help you with your insurance claims of Workers Compensation, Third Party or Veterans who have served in the Defence Force.

As their patients do not need a referral from a doctor, people can rest assure that this is one less hurdle to helping them getting pain management or rehabilitated sooner.

If you live in Parramatta or its surrounding areas and suffer from pain or have an injury that causes you discomfort, then the team at Spinal & Sports Care have fully qualified Physiotherapists in Parramatta to help treat your injuries. To learn more about Physiotherapy Services in Parramatta, please do not hesitate to call our team (02) 9683 1110. Alternatively, you can book an appointment to visit your local clinic by using the online booking form.