Paracetamol ‘has no effect on back pain’: Research casts doubt on most popular GP remedy

  The findings the findings from this high-quality trial are clear. 1). The painkiller does not help sufferers recover more quickly. 2). Taking paracetamol has no effect on lower back pain despite being the treatment most widely recommended by doctors, according to a study. Paracetamol is the first-line treatment for GPs dealing with acute attacks of the most common form of back pain. A…

Journal of the American Medical Association Endorses Chiropractic

The Journal of the American Medical Association in their newest Journal recommend chiropractic as one of the first interventions for lower back pain before surgery.

Pregnancy Doesn’t Have to be a Pain in the Back

Up to 69 per cent of pregnant women suffer low back pain, but as little as 32 per cent actually report it to their health practitioners. That means far too many pregnant women are taking a grin and bear it approach and living with unnecessary pain. The reasons for back pain during pregnancy vary from person to person, but the majority of back pain concerns can…

Kinesio Tape vs Rigid Tape – What’s the difference?

Strapping with adhesive tape is important for the prevention of joint injuries, especially the ankle and hand. Taping is also essential during early management of injury and rehabilitation. Research has shown that recurrence of injury when the athlete recommences training is less likely with supportive taping. A variety of sports use taping to prevent injury. Adhesive tape is often used to help athletes recover…

Fatigue – Are you tired all the time?

Do you fall into bed at the end of the day and despite getting rest wake up the next morning feeling unrefreshed and fatigued, then drag yourself through the day exhausted, depressed and unable to enjoy life?

Back Pain: Live Better, We’ve Got Your Back!

Back and neck pain can have many causes. Postural fitness can prevent problems that may occur in your muscles, joints and ligaments and it can also prevent potential injury.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin – how does it work?

Osteoarthritis is a condition that is caused by wearing out of the normal smooth cartilage surfaces of the joints. Often called wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis causes joint pain, swelling, and deformity.

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Vitamin D3 for Strong Bones

Did you know that Vitamin D3 helps calcium absorption?

Office Stretches

Office Stretches App for iTunes Users