
Sedentary Lifestyle | Kill It Before It Gets You

A majority of us today suffer from some or another kind of body aches like it’s our pet illness! It seems like things were still fine until a few decades ago when our forefathers accomplished every task of the day using both their legs and both their hands. While it is not to disregard the advantages modern lifestyle has presented us with, it is to focus on the adverse effects that too much convenience has brought our way.

Today, our world comprises of buildings piercing through skies and amassing people who are busy slogging their brains off beyond their capacity, while keeping their hips glued to their chairs. We are too exhausted on our off-duty hours to do something meaningful for our soul and helpful for our body, and desperate on the weekends to devour cheese and alcohol like there’s no tomorrow. And to where does this mad race leads us? Probably to the bills that still seem expensive enough, and health issues that remain no matter which pill we pop next.

This extreme lifestyle has rewarded our bodies with immobility, which turns out to be the root cause of several ailments of various degrees of severity. We sit in our chairs with our legs intact, or at the most, trembling due to anxiety (not the kind of exercise your body or mind needs, by the way!), and arms placed in an ‘L’ on the desks, while our fingers click away. We devoid our hands, our legs, our entire body of its basic function for hours every day, thereby, causing it to rebel through shooting pains.

Dangers associated with a prolonged sedentary lifestyle include, but aren’t limited to:

Overweight or obesity: Simply put, an unhealthily heavy body puts double the pressure on your heart, thus making it work twice as hard. Constant body aches are a no surprise either!

Loss of flexibility: Rigidity in the body is caused due to staying inactive for longer periods of time and gives rise to chronic pains like chronic backaches, headaches, frozen shoulder, sciatica nerve pain, etc. Check the types of massage therapies at Parramatta,  Spinal and Sports Care to fight off the body aches.

Mental health goes low: Not many people understand that the good health of your mind is dependent on how you treat your body. Not letting your body work out, but letting your brain do all the running will send your mental health on a hike to where there are woods but no leaves and sunshine.

Need urgent pain relief?

At Spinal and Sports Care, we are a bunch of health professionals specialising in Chiropractic, Sports Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and other health services that help the busy individuals get rid of the pain and stiffness in their bodies accumulated over hours of working in a sedentary environment. We also specialise in providing relief against immobility or pain caused to sports injuries.

For individuals with chronic body aches that have brought down their zest to go through each day, one of the most recommended natural techniques is Chiropractic, which through manual therapies including spinal manipulation and mobilisation, which provides relief from the following:

  • Backaches
  • Neck pains
  • Sciatica
  • Joint problems
  • Sprains and strains
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Herniated discs
  • Other musculoskeletal conditions
  • Things you can do on your own

Little adjustments in your daily life can help your physical and mental health a great deal and bid goodbye to those sneaky and mysterious pains.

  • Don’t burden the elevator. Make your legs work and take the stairs.
  • Stand as often as you can at work. A modern truth says official work never ends. What makes the difference is how you do it. So, Stand. Stretch. Work. Repeat!
  • Park your car at a spot that works your legs up.
  • Don’t forget to breathe when you suddenly remember to meet a threatening deadline! We tend to underestimate the prowess of deep breathing.
  • When you are at home, stretch, exercise, eat healthily and stretch some more.

At Spinal and Sports Care, you can find some of the best chiropractors in Paramatta, Castle Hill and Wetherill Park regions in New South Wales. Additionally, we also provide services for arthritis treatment, physiotherapy and naturopathy in Paramatta, Castle Hill and Wetherill Park regions.